Our District
Registration and Enrollment
Grade Level Curriculum Guides
Each link contains a curriculum overview that outlines grade level information and learning goals. Learning goals are aligned to the Illinois State Learning Standards.
District 159 Kindergarten Curriculum
District 159 First Grade Curriculum
District 159 Second Grade Curriculum
District 159 Third Grade Curriculum
District 159 Fourth Grade Curriculum
District 159 Fifth Grade Curriculum
District 159 Sixth Grade Curriculum
Illinois State Learning Standards
Mokena SD 159's curriculum is aligned to the Illinois State Learning Standards. Information about our state's standards can be found in the following links to our state's documents.
English Language Arts Learning Standards
Social Studies Learning Standards
Physical Education and Health Standards
Textbooks and Instructional Materials
The linked document provides a list of the textbooks and instructional materials utilized in the Mokena SD 159 classrooms.
K-5 ELA Curriculum Adoption Information
During the 2022-2023, a group of 20 teachers, coaches, and administrators joined together as a K-5 ELA Committee with the goal of selecting an ELA (comprehension, vocabulary, writing, and grammar/language) program for implementation in the 2023-2024 school year. The committee was represented by grade level teachers and administrators from each school with varying levels of experience and backgrounds.
During these five months, the committee reviewed four programs, piloted two programs with their students, and chose a program to recommend to the Board of Education for adoption for the 2023-2024 school year: Open Up Resources EL Education. The materials will be on display at the district office through April 19th.
Thank you to the teachers and administrators on the committee for their expertise, time, and commitment to this process. Their dedication and collaboration throughout the process is truly to be admired. Our students will benefit greatly from the strong foundation being built within our district for years to come!
The following links provide overview information about the program:
Kindergarten Module Overviews | 1st Grade Module Overviews | 2nd Grade Module Overviews |
3rd Grade Module Overviews | 4th Grade Module Overviews | 5th Grade Module Overviews |
Curriculum and Resource Objections
Board policy 6:260, Complaints About Curriculum, Instructional Materials, and Programs, states that parents/guardians, employees, and community members who have objections to curriculum or believe that curriculum, instructional materials, or programs violate rights guaranteed by any law or Board policy may file a complaint by completing a Curriculum Objection Form and submitting the form to the Building Principal.
Board Policy 6:230, Library Media Program, states that parents/guardians, employees, and community members with suggestions or complaints about library media program resources may complete a Library Media Resource Objection Form.